Support is available for research and analysis on the following issues:
- Root causes of, and emerging trajectories of violent conflict;
- Natural resource conflict;
- Geopolitics and histories of conflict and peace;
- Minorities, under-represented groups, and the social dynamics of conflict and peace;
- Theories and practices of conflict mediation;
- Resilience, conflict prevention and transformation;
- State and non-state armed actors, transnational crime, extremism, displacement and migration;
- Post-conflict elections, democratization, governance and development;
- Statebuilding, Nationbuilding, Identities and the citizenship question;
- Transitional justice, reconciliation, and peace;
- The economic and financial dimensions of conflict, peacekeeping, and peace support operations;
- Regional Economic Communities (RECs), regionalism and peace ;
- UN-AU-REC Partnerships and Peacebuilding Architectures ;
- Digital media, technology, war and peace;
- Cultures, media, and art(s) of peace;
- Gender, youth and peacebuilding;
- Water politics, conflict and peace;
- Peace Movements
- Peace Education
- Prevention of mass atrocities; and
- Public Health, Covid-19, conflict, peace and development
Individual Research Fellowship
APN Individual Research Fellowships (IRF) support up to six months of field-based research that contributes to knowledge production and policies shaping peacebuilding in Africa. Fellowship awards are up to $15,000, with up to 18awards provided each year. Fellows receive mentorship and attend two trainingworkshops to support their fieldwork and dissemination of research findings.
Collaborative Working Group Fellowship
The Collaborative Working Group (CWG) Research Fellowship provides up to$60,00 to support a team of researchers and practitioners on a collaborative andcollectively designed research project focused on security, development, andpeacebuilding in Africa. The fellowship duration is 18 months, with onefellowship awarded every two years.
For more information on how to submit your proposal, please visit and
or email
Deadline for applications: February 1, 2022
You can also download the announcement by clicking on the link below:
APN Call for Applications 2022-1