“So she became his wife, and he loved her” (Genesis 24:67b). “One
day Abimelech, the king of the Philistines, looked down from a window.
He saw Isaac hugging and kissing his wife Rebekah” (Genesis 26:8). “Husbands love your wives” (Ephesians 5:25).
We viewed a testimonial video of a restored marriage that touched our hearts,
“What Happened When My Daughter Saw Me Kiss My Wife” by Joshua Rogers (link below). Essentially it reminds us how children feel loved when their parents express love to each other.
I (Stephen) remember that. My parents were not that expressive in their
love, perhaps like many in their generation. Dad always kissed Mom when
he went to work but otherwise they were rather guarded regarding
physical affection. But I still recall one time when we were in a cabin on a
vacation and they didn’t share the same bed. (They slept in the same
full-size bed for all 53 years of their marriage –
Instead in the cabin they were in two twin beds about a foot apart. I woke up in the night and
saw them reaching across the space holding hands as they slept. That
did make me feel loved!
Today’s daily text is the first occasion in the Bible where we are
specifically told of a husband’s love for his wife Rebekah, “So she became his wife, and he loved her”.
Genesis 24 is a lengthy account of Isaac’s arranged marriage,
facilitated by Abraham’s chief servant. Theirs was love at first sight
and is demonstrated when he prays for her on the occasion of her
barrenness (Genesis 25:21). Later, after their twins (Esau and Jacob)
were born we find the two caught in a passionate embrace (Genesis 26:8). Still
later we find the old couple agonizing over decisions their children
had made (Genesis 26:35, 27:46). Sound like your marriage? Or your family? Yet their love endured.

Some twenty years ago we heard Josh McDowell speak at a marriage
conference in Boston. He encouraged us to authenticate our faith by
modeling lasting relationships, particularly in our marriages. A great
witness for Christ is marriages and families that function well and
endure. We encourage you to again commit yourselves to this goal.
The apostle Paul said, “Husbands, love your wives”. The world is
watching for demonstrations of this love in the public square and in the home.
We still marvel at marital love and I hope we always will. Of course the
institution of marriage is under severe attack in our time on many
fronts. How vital to again consider a simple command of Scripture, “Husbands, love your wives.”
The underlying Greek word for love is that wonderful word “AGAPE”,
which is in the present active, calling for continual, habitual action.
Let us again remember God’s call to marital love. Gary Chapman shares
these five essential characteristics of a healthy marriage in his book,
“The Five Love Languages.” Please apply!
2) Quality Time
3) Thoughtful Gifts
4) Cooperative Service
5) Physical Intimacy
Now with forty-one years of marital experience Brooksyne and I will add
several more. Tease each other, have fun, and practice forgiveness
daily. If you ever find yourself
driving through a covered bridge, brake the car so you can share a kiss!
Be encouraged today,
Stephen & Brooksyne Weber