Message Summary: Like the disciples we may at times wonder, “Does Jesus really care?” But His Word abundantly demonstrates and teaches that He does. Those of you whose faith is being tested today, in ways that you do not prefer, remember this: God has not changed. God cares for you. Personalize this comforting truth by saying, “You care for me.” His care is motivated by His love, under-girded by His power, and assured by His faithfulness. Lord, help us to hide this truth deep in our hearts today! Yes, You care. If it matters to me, it matters to the Master.
“But He (Jesus) was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they awoke Him and said to Him, Master, do You not care that we are perishing?” (Mark 4:38).
Yesterday following several chaplain visits we stopped by to see our Amish friends, Jesse and Anna Ruth. I had picked up some baling twine for Jesse who was making hay while the sun was shining. After watching him do some field work (see photos below) he asked me to run an errand over to a neighboring farm to get some fuel filters for the baler. His nine year old son Eli James went with me and asked me to take a “short cut” on the way back. We drove down a long gravel lane and I saw why he wanted to take me this new route.
Eli’s Uncle Amos is fighting cancer and recently came home after a long period of treatment. Eli’s grandparents and Amos’s family took a 3 day train trip to Mexico to lend support and encouragement to him during his last treatment. They just returned and Eli’s family posted the big “Welcome Home” on the barn that warmly greeted them upon their return. Amos is having quite a time and frankly needs a miracle from the Lord. He and his family needs the assurance that what matters to them matters to the Master.
Is far too busy to care ’bout your trouble and strife?
He sees the sparrow that falls to the ground
And He hears the tears that don’t make a sound
If you only knew how precious you are in His sight
Early in the disciple’s relationship with Jesus they were in a boat after a tiring day of ministry. A furious storm arose and threatened to capsize the boat. Jesus was sleeping on a cushion in the stern. I recall from my ministry training days that this text is among the proofs of Christ’s humanity. I find it remarkable that He was able to sleep during a massive storm that seriously frightened even experienced fishermen. Isn’t that the kind of peace we want during the torrential storms that deluge our lives. The only way it can happen is for us to have a deep, settled peace that God is in control and overrules that which is contrary to His intended plan for our lives.
These experienced fishermen, who had plied these waters for many years, recognized the imminent danger. This was no ordinary storm. They were in big trouble.
They awoke Jesus and asked a very pointed question, “Master, do You not care that we are perishing?” Isn’t this the very question we have all asked or wondered thousands of times?
Let’s just condense it to, “Does God care?” In Mark’s account Jesus does not answer the disciples with words, but with a mighty demonstration of His power. In Matthew’s account Jesus responded to the disciples with a reprimand for their lack of faith, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” (Matthew 8:26).
He stilled the storm. Not only were the disciples saved, but they also learned a valuable lesson and thereby we learn from them. Many years later Peter, using language familiar to the fisherman, wrote: “Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” After years of walking with Jesus it was no longer a question to Peter, but a settled fact and an experiential truth that has comforted and reassured believers for nearly 2000 years. “He cares for you.”
Like the disciples we may at times wonder, “Does Jesus really care?” But His Word abundantly demonstrates and teaches that He does. Those of you whose faith is being tested today, in ways that you do not prefer, remember this: God has not changed. God cares for you. Personalize this comforting truth by saying aloud, “You care for me.” His care is motivated by His love, under-girded by His power, and assured by His faithfulness. May the Lord help us to hide this truth deep in our hearts today because He does care. If it matters to me, it matters to the Master.
Be encouraged today,
Stephen & Brooksyne Weber