Summary: Jesus places a blessing on
those who pursue peace. It is a characteristic of the genuine children
of God. The apostle Paul wrote a timeless challenge, “If it is possible, as far
as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.”
Podcast not prepared for this message
“Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God” (Matthew 5:9). “If it is possible, as far as it depends
on you, live at peace with everyone” (Romans 12:18).
During the Chaplain Conference it has been a blessing
meet new chaplains and renew my association with others serving in a
great variety of
positions. Our chaplain team is very racially and ethnically
diverse. The other night I had a conversation with an Hispanic
Rescue Mission Chaplain who has served for 20 years at the Los Angeles
Union Mission. I visited with a Korean VA chaplain, a black Air
Force chaplain, a Cuban/American Army chaplain, Indian hospice chaplain
and many others. There are about 225 chaplains at the conference, most
who came with their spouses.
Our world is so full of conflict based upon every type of difference
and even when there is no major difference. The human race just seems
to have
an inclination to conflict as a result of the Fall. There
is much to be written about ongoing conflict between races, nations,
political parties, family members, and on and on it goes.
But our
message today will be simple and brief as we set a personal scene of
peace from
a rural road in Lancaster Country, Pennsylvania USA.
“I have two walking partners who have become close friends: Tho, from
Zimbabwe Africa
who moved here over a
year ago. Our other walking partner, Jane, is
an old order Mennonite who has become a good friend since we moved to
our present home in 2002. Presently we are all three seeking to improve
health by trying to keep a healthy diet and walking 10,000 steps daily
(five miles). It’s a lot
easier to get those steps in if you walk with
a friend.
Jane wears the distinctive clothing associated
with her
Mennonite faith. Certainly Tho has major cultural differences based on
Zimbabwean background. To some passing by it may seem an unlikely
friendship, especially on a rural road in Lancaster County but the
common denominator is our mutual faith in Christ
and our spurring one another on to get in shape physically.
Jane’s 13 year old daughter sometimes joins us as well as 12 year old
Neville, Tho’s son. Walking with friends makes the walk seem effortless
and provides opportunity for deepening friendships.” (Neville
took the photo of our 3 mile walk last night.)
That’s what needs to be happening all over the world and is happening
in many
places such as the unity we are experiencing here at our conference as
we share our common love and devotion to the Lord and our desire to
have His purpose fulfilled in our lives.
Our first daily text is from the Beatitudes. Jesus places a blessing on
those who pursue peace. It is a characteristic of the genuine children
of God. The apostle Paul wrote a timeless challenge, “If it is possible, as far
as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.”
Be encouraged today,
Stephen & Brooksyne Weber