As shared by the man Arinze Okolobu himself:
“It is Good to be Good. As a Passerby this morning along Capital City
Secondary School road, Awka while driving to work, I saw a little boy
crying profusely while his Mother walks helplessly along with him, I had
to slow down and asked what the problem is?
The mother answered that her son was driven away from school due to tuition and was not allowed to sit for exam this morning.
Behold, I was moved to tears and drove
them in my car to the School where I managed to sort out the issue of
payment and at the same time was inspired to cater for the Boy’s
academics till he enters University.
The School authority were astonished by such gesture of a passerby. Such
inspirations of doing good to people is normal to my lifestyle, these
are one of the qualities I inculcated from Ohamadike.
The picture (above) is that of me and the boy with the mother.
Really it is Good doing Good.” To God be the glory!