This is called addiction.
need alcohol to feel confident
The truth is the higher the amount of
alcohol you drink, the higher your self-confidence. Sadly, this intoxicated
courage and confidence can be quickly replaced with the fear of the actions that
show that you are under the influence.
You abandon your
responsibilities to drink
One sure sign that your drinking is becoming a
problem is when you begin to leave your responsibilities at work or home to
drink. Additionally, you call in sick repeatedly because of a hangover. You may
have a drinking problem.
You self-medicate
Your alcoholic
problems can result in self-medication because your life is tied to the bottle.
If you find yourself reaching for a drink when you start feeling down, it may be
time to take a look at the causes behind your feelings instead of covering them
People close to you are concerned
When your relationship
with those close to you gets affected because of your drinking, there is a
problem. Those close to you may have commented about your drinking too much to
the level that you begin to hide your drinking problems. This is a red
You have accepted your alcoholism
If you have a problem
with alcohol, you will become very comfortable with it, You no longer feel
embarrassed with your drinking. As this tolerance increases, you will soon see
alcohol as your solution for everything.
Your life is all about
If you always have the feeling that any activity you engage in
must include alcohol, this could be a sign that you’have become dependent on
alcohol. The more you drink, the more your blood pressure rises.