United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER) is requesting research proposals on the Economic Transformation Database (ETD) project. This project aims to better understand structural transformation—how it varies, why it varies, and what the implications of this might be—and to offer new frameworks that provide insight into how to address it. This will generate new knowledge on how developing economies, in particular low-income ones, can achieve sustainable, inclusive development.
Proposals for original research that speak to the core themes of this project and offer strong empirical, methodological, or theoretical contributions will be considered.
Submission of proposals is done electronically by using the form on the announcement page. Any questions on the proposal process should be sent to researchproposal5@wider.unu.
Click on the link below to read more and submit your proposal:
Social protection, taxation, and crises
The United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER) is seeking proposals for original research on social protection and taxation in times of crises in developing countries. Proposals from individuals (or groups of individuals) as well as non-profit organizations are welcome.
Papers may use either theoretical or empirical approaches with a focus on policies affecting households. Suitable empirical methods also include tax-benefit microsimulation, and UNU-WIDER has made microsimulation models available for selected countries via its SOUTHMOD programme.
Read the full announcement for more information.
Submission of proposals is done electronically by using the form on the announcement page. Any questions on the proposal process should be sent to research-proposal@wider.unu.