I’ll glide through my pain,
And rid me of the hurts in it’s healing rain.
For through it all I’ll have so much gain,
When in my kingdom, I begin to reign
Inasmuch as I’m dripping wet,
Up high and straight ahead, my head, I’ll set.
I’ll turn neither to the right nor to the left,
Ever so firmly holding on to my zest.
Though in anticipation of the sun, I catch a cold,
And in expectation of a little breeze, I get fusty,
To my faith in the sun, I shall hold,
For I’m persuaded, the sun won’t make me rusty!
And when I must have been dried clean by the sun,
Forever on my lips will be my victory song.
And the value of the rain and the sun I’ll never be able to weigh,
When in my kingdom I begin to reign.