Overeating is something many of us have battled with at one point or the
other. However, there are some important ways to effectively deal with
it and stop yourself from eating too much.
Use the Hunger Scale
need to learn how to figure out the physical cues that signal true
hunger and a real need for nourishment, and a great way to do this is
through the use of the hunger scale. This will help you figure out your
need when it comes to food. There are six major components of the hunger
scale and they include: Starving (an uncomfortable, empty feeling that
may be accompanied by lightheadedness or the jitters caused by low blood
sugar levels from lack of food); Hungry (your next meal is on your
mind, at this point you are not exactly feeling the physical effects of
hunger except the usual hunger pangs); Moderately Hungry (there’s that
nagging feeling of hunger. Your stomach may be growling and you might
feel some faint hunger pangs. At this point you’re already planning what
your next meal is going to be); Satisfied (you’re satiated, meaning
you’re not exactly feeling full but you’re not hungry either. You’re
simply relaxed and comfortable); Full(At this point, if you’re still
eating, it is more ‘out of momentum’ than actual hunger because your
belly would already feel slightly bloated, and the food would no longer
taste as good); Stuffed (you feel uncomfortable, your stomach feels like
it’s about to burst open, and you might even have a mild heartburn from
your stomach acids creeping back up to your oesophagus).
Take a Low Calorie Snack
you’re feeling hungry between meals, or a short-while after eating a
sizeable meal, it is best to either drink some water to help curb the
misleading feeling of hunger or take a low-calorie snack. This is the
best way you can avoid overeating between meals. You should be sure to
favour snacks or fruits that contain more fiber and water so you can
avoid the calories while loading your body with disease-fighting
Favour High-Volume Meals
High-volume meals
are those that involve solid foods that have high fluid content which
helps to better suppress hunger and the need to overeat. Eating foods
with high-water content versus those with low-water content ensures that
you get bigger portions for less calories, and can consume more food to
help fully satisfy your hunger, and leave you satiated.
Make Eating Right a Habit
is a bad habit and once you can make up your mind to making eating
right a habit, you’ll be fine. This is one of the most straightforward
ways to stop yourself from eating too much and actually keeping it up.
It is scientifically proven that it takes 30 days to break/make a habit,
so please get started now, it is possible and you can do it.
Consistency is the key to taking charge of your eating habits and
feeling better about your body and overall self.